Det blev en utmaning..

..Tydligen, med min "kära" mor. Vi har slått vad om vem som får mest besökare. Hmm. Jag hoppas för min egen skull att det blir jag som vinner. Jag vill ju inte att min mamma ska vara coolare än MIG! Snacka om värdelös man hade kännt sig! Jag trodde aldrig att hon faktiskt skulle göra det..

» mathieu

Hello Tali

I know you for 3 days and you are very nice person. I am happy to know you.

Your web site is very nice but I don't understand a lot of the words. Is it difficult to write this words, you should have a big memory! ;)

In your blog I have heard music. I would like to know what is the name of the group ? I hope that you understand my english (fluent of course lol)

kiss (french kiss, the best kiss on the world :D)

Date&Time:2008-07-29, 19:35:23

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